
Quid Informatica and Qinetic Platform are now validated on the IBM Cloud for Financial Services®

We know that security is one of the critical aspects at the heart of business evaluations for moving to the Cloud. And we at Quid, by offering innovative credit process management to the market through Qinetic’s native cloud platform, have decided to take it a step further in the interest of our customers.

What is it all about?

We have gone through a complex journey demonstrating compliance with more than 500 audits covering administrative, organizational, technical aspects, proving the effective implementation of the prescribed measures.

What are the goals?

IBM Cloud for Financial Services® reduces risks throughout the supply chain, while also helping third parties ensure mandatory resilience, performance, security and regulatory compliance requirements for financial institutions. At the heart of IBM Cloud for Financial Services is the IBM Cloud Framework for Financial Services, developed in collaboration with industry experts to help clients automate security and compliance through controls built into the platform.

A new standard for the industry that takes into account evolving rules, laws and regulations, with the collaboration of the IBM Financial Services Cloud Council, which brings together CIOs, CTOs, CISOs and consultants from financial institutions around the world.

Today, with the validation of compliance with the IBM Cloud for Financial Services® framework, we are able to offer banking and financial clients one more argument for moving to the Cloud, because the guarantee of a security garrison based on high standards and constantly monitored stands as a requirement for absolute reliability of the services offered by Quid.

We are not talking about an achievement, but a starting point because we are committed to evolve in parallel with the continuous updating of the requirements that the IBM framework demands. And this element guarantees our customers an additional factor: that the security of the services offered by Quid on the Cloud is not only excellent, but is continuously updated.

Updates will follow on these pages. For information: .

The IBM Cloud for Financial Services® Validated recognition attests to the compliance of Quid’s offering with the market’s most comprehensive framework for security and compliance in financial services



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